At this moment, I have 11 new PDF's ready to go up at and and another for Wargame Vault.
First, lets point out that we've got the first of our Darkened Gates map up in both print and PDF, The Cabin in the Woods. There are two more ready to post, both will be ready for print by end of next week, and the second will be posted in PDF on Thursday of next week. (This is also done, but we're not telling anything until after the second one is released.)
I'll have another two Traveller ships done by the end of this week, too. First is a 200 dTon Yacht, and the second is a special variant designed specifically for big game hunters. These are our best work yet, especially the hunter's version.
There are also at least six more TopoTiles in the works and one more MechaMat planned in the next two months, along wtih at least four more Ships of Fantasy and another Crossroads set.
Also, we're less than four weeks away from our first con of the year, info is below.