Maps mean one thing: SCALE!
We'll skip over all the rhetoric that you already heard and get straight to the point. All those different game systems out there use different scales. It can get confusing over what scale maps you need, so we've compiled a list of the main game systems that we know of.
All information below is submitted for reference only. Scrying Eye Games wants to make it clear that we are NOT endorsing any game system or game company listed here, that they do not endorse us, that we are not connected to any game company listed here, and that the listing of the scale-pertinent data of those systems listed is not a challenge to the copyrights owned by those companies.
If there is a game system that we've missed, please use the contact info HERE and tell us the game system, the scale, and the link to the company.
All information below is submitted for reference only. Scrying Eye Games wants to make it clear that we are NOT endorsing any game system or game company listed here, that they do not endorse us, that we are not connected to any game company listed here, and that the listing of the scale-pertinent data of those systems listed is not a challenge to the copyrights owned by those companies.
If there is a game system that we've missed, please use the contact info HERE and tell us the game system, the scale, and the link to the company.
Scales for various game systems
20/OGL by Wizards of the Coast (1" = 5')
Chaos 6010 AD by (1" = 5') Dungeons and Dragons (3rd Edition and up) (1" = 5') Star Wars (all editions) (1" =/2 Meters) Pathfinder by Piazo Publishing (1" = 5') Starfinder by Piazo Publishi8ng (1" = 5') Mutants and Masterminds by Green Ronin Publishing (1" = 5') True20 by Green Ronin Publishing (1" = 5') Spycraft by Crafty Games (1" = 5') FantasyCraft by Crafty Games (1" = 5') Mutant Future by Globinoid Games (1" = 5') Villains and Vigilantes by Fantasy Games Unlimited (1" = 5') ROAD RAGE by Stan Johansen Miniatures (1" = 5') Shadowrun by Catalyst Game Labs (1" = 5') Cyberpunk by R. Talsorian Games (1" = 5') Brushfire and Legendary Realms by On The Lamb Games ( 1" = 5') Iron Kingdoms (1" = 6') |
Space Opera by Fantasy Unlimited (1" = 2 Meters)
HERO System by Hero Games (1" = 2 Meters') Heroscape by Wizards of the Coast (1" = 5') |
Aftermath by Fantasy Unlimited (1" = 2 Meters)
GURPS by Steve Jackson Games (1" = 3') HARP by Iron Crown Entertainment (1" = 3') OZ: Dark and Terrible by Emerald City Expeditions (1" = 3') |
Fantasy Realms by On The Lamb Games (1" = 5')
Brushfire by On The Lamb Games (1" = 5') Warhammer 40K by Games Workshop (1" = 2 Meters) Warhammer Fantasy by Games Workshop (1" = 2 Meters) Warhammer Ancients by Games Workshop (1' = 2 Meters) Dark Ages by Dark Age Games (1 Cm = 1 Meter) Warlord 2085 by Renyolds Marcus (exact scale unclear) |