Here is the first installment of the Exteneded Electronic Package for "Welcome to Mortiston, USA", better known as The EEP! Each installment of The EEP! will contain three new locations, three new characters, as set of tables for use with the free Inspiration Pad Pro, by our friends at NBOS. (Download for free HERE.), along with other extras for use with "Welcome to Mortiston, USA" world. Our first installment has the following included:
- Three new characters: Cashwell Vest, Dr. Peter Metzger, Michael "Mars" Russell (BONUS: zombie Dr. Sam Wong)
- Three new locations: The Armchair General Store, Maggie's Market, Wong's Walk-in Dental Clinic
- Links of Interest: Various links to resources we used as reference material for Mortiston, USA!
- API Stats for all existing Mortiston characters: full stat blocks for Apocalypse Prevention, Inc.
- Character sheets: Full Mortistion character sheets for Modern Path for Pathfinder in PDF.
- HeroLab files for all Mortiston, USA characters in main book and this EEP!.
- IPP Tables for Mortiston, Set 1: Seven sets of weapons tables and a Mortison encounter hook generator.
Modern Path for Pathfinder available here at DriveThruRPG/RPGNow.
Inspiration Pad Pro v3 is availabe here at DriveThruRPG/RPGNow.
Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc.